Water is without doubt the very cradle of life itself, owing to the fact that it constitutes at least 70 per cent of the human body. As a daily need, it is imperative that every human being has access to the highest possible quality of water. Much gratitude to the governments and associated systems for the commendable effort to make portable water available to most citizens. However, much as portable or tap water provides an overall standard water quality to consumers, recent research has proven that portable water has a strikingly bad side despite centuries of continued use in the typical home. There seems to be contaminants commonly associated with tap water that have been linked to numerous health problems. This has revealed the need for extra home-usable measures purposed to get rid of these contaminants. This article will take you through some of the contaminants associated with portable water and then proceed to with some insights on the most efficient extraction methods.

COMMON WATER CONTAMINANTS: Why is tap water bad?

At some point in time, you might have come across some news bulletin reporting some horrific concerns of residents of a certain area concerning the quality of drinking water from their main suppliers. Well, the truth is that tap water isn’t really the life saver we all think it is, if not treated accordingly. Numerous studies have identified rather toxic substances found in tap water and these include Chlorine, Lead, Microplastics, Mercury, Polychlorinated biphenyls, Arsenic, Perchlorate, Dioxins, DDT’s, HCB’s and Dacthal among others. In addition to these impurities, tap water may also be subject to various bacteria and viruses which may be resistant to some of the disinfectants commonly used in water treatment plants. Let’s have a look at some of the major and most familiar toxins found in portable water in order to have a picture of the gravity of this problem.



Chlorine is known to be one of the most effective and trusted agents as a disinfectant and is applied in numerous disinfecting processes including water treatment, sewage sanitation, and cleaning products disinfection procedures. However, it is not completely safe as a substance as it can react with several substances in your body to form rather destructive products. For instance, it is well established that chlorine reacts with water to form Hydrochloric acid. Yes hydrochloric acid is a useful substance in terms of aiding digestion but it is produced in controlled amounts to create a suitable and safe environment in the body. Extra amounts due to the reaction of excess chlorine from the tap water and the water in the body can disrupt the balance and lead to undesirable results in the gut. Other documented undesirable effects include respiratory problems and memory loss upon prolonged exposure.


You might have heard about the Flint incident in Michigan where it was discovered that consumers were battling the effects of Lead from what they thought was an unlikely source, portable water. Lead is a highly toxic substance to the human body if ingested in excess amounts. A myriad of health problems are associated with Lead and among these are prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease, learning disabilities, stunted growth, behavioral problems and can have catastrophic effects to the unborn child during pregnancy. Normally, there is a minimal amount of lead allowable in tap water but unfortunately, water pipes which are subject to corrosion tend to release unacceptable amounts of Lead in the water which goes right into consumers’ homes. This renders most of the tap water we consume a potential source of these health problems.



Fluoridation, which is the process of adding fluoride to water as a way of reinforcing portable water with health benefits such as preventing tooth decay, was accepted several decades ago as a best water treatment practice. However, this substance is associated with a number of undesirable effects including disruptions in the endocrine system, or in basic terms, the hormonal system of the human body. Studies have established that fluoride has negative effects on the Thyroid gland and the Pineal gland which are some of the major organs which produce important hormones and regulate hormonal activity in the body. This has led to some areas, especially in the US, to take positive steps forward banning the use of the process in water treatment plants.


This is another surprising member on the list of common water contaminants but the statistics seem to be very clear in support their presence in drinking water. One of the most famous studies relating to plastics and Tap water was done in the world’s major metropolitan areas. Samples taken from these areas revealed that 83% of the samples contained plastic fibers. Another study investigated the occurrence of plastic contaminants in bottled water from more than 10 of the world’s largest brands in 9 countries. The tests revealed that 93 per cent of the bottled water contained plastic contaminants.