How To Read A Walmart Receipt?

How To Read A Walmart Receipt?

How To Read A Walmart Receipt? [Codes, Meanings + More]

Walmart associates can print out or email receipts to prove purchase when you make a Walmart transaction.

  • Each receipt contains vital information that is unique to you. But, how many people actually understand how to read Walmart receipts? Here’s everything you need about Walmart receipts.
  • How To Read A Walmart Receipt? [Codes, Meanings + More]

    How To Read A Walmart Receipt In 2022?

    Walmart receipts have the most prominent feature: The purchased products’ names and serial numbers. Prices with discounts are also included. Receipt number is indicated by the extended numerical code located at the bottom. A, B, P, R, & S represent sales tax compliance. N, X & O represent the tax status. Duplicate receipts via Walmart’s online receipt lookup tool.

  • Let’s find out what codes Walmart uses, how they abbreviate, and how you can duplicate a receipt.
  • What Do The Numeral Codes On Walmart Receipts Mean?

  • Walmart receipts come in a variety of long and brief numeral codes. This can cause confusion. Let’s take a look at what the codes actually mean.
  • Below is a list of codes and their meanings which you fill find towards the top of the receipt below the address of the Walmart store.

  • The store’s name and zip code is the first number you’ll see on the line of the receipt
  • ST# indicates the store’s number
  • That is, the operator number.
  • #TE represents the cash register number
  • TR# stands for transaction number
  • Next, we’ll get to the most obvious numbers. At the bottom of the receipt will be the 12-digit serial codes that are unique to every purchase.

    The prices for each product are shown on the right-hand side. You’ll find the product prices, along with the debit tends. This means that a refund should be made to the card.

    If you paid with a card, you’ll see ‘U.S credit/debit’ (depending on your usage) followed by the last 4-digits of your card.

    This is to help both yourself and the cashier specify which card was used should you require a refund. On the same line you will see the number given by the merchant as the receipt reference (REF).

    An abbreviation of “Approved”, indicating the bank’s authorization to the transaction, is referred to as APPR. You may also see the ‘AID code’ if you applied for a chipcard.

    Further down will be the ‘TC#’ number that is used to generate the transaction codes.

    The C# number, which is unique to the receipt, is also printed. The exact date and purchase time will be displayed below the barcode.

    How To Read A Walmart Receipt? [Codes, Meanings + More]

    How can I find out what item appears on a Walmart receipt?

    Walmart states the names of each product purchased on that transaction and are typically shortened product names using abbreviations. For example, “Org” can be translated to organic.

    A receipt will also have a unique serial number that can be used to locate an item. You will usually find the serial number on expensive goods like radios.

    Type that number into the search bar at to find out a product’s alphabetical name and details.

    You can also scan the QR code found on the receipt via the Walmart+ app. A picture should be included with every receipt.

    What is the Meaning of A, B. P. R. & A on a Walmart Receipt

    Looking closely at the receipt, you’ll see letters such as F, R, and B. These are tied to sales tax compliance, which can vary state-to-state. You can see an example here:

  • A = Tax 1 Only
  • B = Tax 2 Only
  • P = Tax 1&4
  • R = Tax 1&6
  • S = Tax 1&7
  • Every tax rate applies to an item that is purchased

  • Tax 1 stands for general merchandise
  • Tax 2 is the food rate
  • Prepared food rates are subject to tax 4
  • Tax 6 is the wine rate
  • Beverage rate: 7 percent tax
  • What is the meaning of N, X, & O on a Walmart Receipt

    Followed by the price of an item on the right side of your receipt, you may see an N, X, or O. These letters will indicate whether the item is taxed:

  • N signifies that the item cannot be taxed
  • X signifies that this product is taxable
  • The O list products can be sold as nontaxable items
  • How To Read A Walmart Receipt? [Codes, Meanings + More]

    What Happens if You Lose your Receipt

    To claim full reimbursement, customers will need to provide their receipt. But they are very easy to misplace.

    Walmart is able to help you find receipts online. This will require you to provide the postal code or address of where the purchase was made and also the date it was received.

    Walmart urges its customers to provide a financial statement in order to verify the date of purchase and the amount.

    Next, type the card used to make your purchase. Once you’ve collected all of the relevant information, use the internet receipt lookup tool to search for it.

    How To Use The Receipt Lookup Tool Online?

    Walmart Receipts can be reprinted by associates, as long as it has been printed immediately after the initial one. However, you can use the Receipt Lookup tool online to produce a duplicate receipt.

    Firstly, select the store that printed your receipt and choose the date of purchase. Enter your card type, (pick debit card for all debit cards), and the 4 digits of your card number. Enter the receipt amount, confirm the Captcha and press ‘Lookup receipt’.

    If your receipt is verified, you may download and print it on the next page. Walmart customer support might be required if your payment was made with cash, check or gift card.

    Learn more about our Walmart Great Value Products Guide. We also have guides that explain if Walmart will check your receipt upon exiting and how Walmart returns policies work without receipts.

  • Conclusion: Here’s How To Read A Walmart Receipt
  • Customers can identify the names, prices, and serial numbers on Walmart receipts along with discounts, payment methods, and any cash returned. A, B. P. R. & Q signify compliance to sales tax. N. X & O refers to the item’s tax status. Look below the barcode for the receipt number. Find the return policy on the back. You can duplicate the recipe using our Lookup tool.

    What do the letters mean on Walmart receipts?

    To be used for letters appearing after the price of the receipt, X is the taxable item. N – Nontaxable item. T – Taxable sale item. O – non-taxable sale item.

    What Does F And T Mean On A Receipt?

    1. A: There are different codes that appear next to each item on your receipt:
    2. SNAP-eligible, non taxed
    3. You are eligible for SNAP and you will be taxed.
    4. Taxable, but not SNAP eligibility

    .How To Read A Walmart Receipt? [Codes, Meanings + More]