Does Amazon Offer Relocation Assistance

Does Amazon Offer Relocation Assistance In 2022? (Guide)

Does Amazon Offer Relocation Assistance In 2022? (Guide)

Amazon is an international corporation with over 100,000 employees. The company requires its workers to be mobile. However, does Amazon offer assistance in relocation?

  • If you are an Amazon employee, the guide will show you what options Amazon has for relocation and also how to make use of them.
  • Amazon offers relocation assistance in 2022

    Amazon has a program for employees to help with relocation costs. It pays $20K-40K. In 2022, fees will be payable in a lump sum and over time. The fee for this program can be negotiated as part the new employee’s compensation package. This program can not only cover relocation from one state to another, but it also covers international moves.

  • Continue reading if you are a new Amazon employee looking for information on Amazon relocation assistance.
  • Does Amazon Offer Relocation Assistance In 2022? (Guide)

    Amazon offers relocation assistance for employees

    If you have ever worked for a major company in the US, relocation assistance is probably fairly commonplace for employees transitioning to a new location.

    No surprise, Amazon provides relocation assistance for employees. Currently, Amazon offers two options for relocation assistance:

  • Option One: Lumpsum
  • Option 2: Relocation package
  • What does the Amazon Relocation Assistance Lump Cost?

    In this case, employees receive a single payment that can be used to cover any moving expenses.

    Amazon offers tax incentives and a large lump sum that is often around $20K.

    Does Amazon Offer Relocation Assistance In 2022? (Guide)

    What’s Included in an Amazon Relocation Package?

    Amazon provides funds for new employees to help with moving costs as well as getting settled.

    Here are some examples of expenses included in Amazon’s relocation package:

  • Travel expenses
  • moving costs (moving vans, hiring a moving crew, etc.)
  • Temporary home rental
  • car rental
  • Amazon employees receive between $20K-$40K, depending on distance traveled.

    Apart from the typical expenses associated with moving, such as hiring a moving truck or renting one in your area, this cost also includes realtor assistance and several months housing costs.

    But, renting in higher-cost cities like Seattle can mean that renters have to downsize to ensure their money lasts longer.

    Amazon provides international move assistance.

    Amazon provides relocation assistance and support for International Moves in addition state-to–state moves.

    Amazon, according to former employees, will not only pay $40K to assist with relocation but also arrange for a flight to America, transport and finding a house.

    Depending on seniority, additional cash allowance may be available to cover other incidental fees.

    Does Amazon Offer Relocation Assistance In 2022? (Guide)

    What are the steps to apply for Amazon Relocation Assistance

    Relocation assistance is not just about filling out forms. New employees must ask the company for it directly.

    Most recommend that this be done in writing to create a paper trail to avoid misunderstandings.

    Relocation packages can be negotiated. Consider your requirements as you relocate and settle into your new home.

    Here is an example email you could send to Amazon’s recruiter about Amazon relocation assistance.

  • Subject: Moving costs
  • Good Morning, [Their name],
  • This is why I’m so thrilled to join Amazon and relocate to Frisco. I have looked at the cost of moving and found that it will be $20k.

    Could we chat to review this and reassess it? Please let me know when you are available and I will set up a time to chat.

  • Warm Regards,
  • [Your Name]
  • Do Amazon Employees Have to Pay Back Relocation Assistance Costs?

    Amazon will pay for the relocation of a new employee with the understanding that they would like to stay with Amazon for some time.

    Some employees may be unhappy about a career move, or are fired.

    Relocation fees must be paid if an employee quits the job within a year of the date they were hired or does not move.

    Does Amazon Offer Relocation Assistance In 2022? (Guide)

    Do employees have to request relocation assistance?

    Amazon’s new employees may be reluctant to request relocation assistance. However, it is okay to inquire if your circumstances are more favorable.

    Keep in mind that relocation assistance is a part of an employee’s compensation package.

    Amazon hires skilled workers. The company offers a generous salary, as well as the opportunity to provide travel assistance to enable them to reach the required locations.

    Amazon is eager to recruit new workers and should have no problem asking for worker assistance.

    Remember to request only what is necessary for your situation.

    A move that requires more than $25K of assistance should be approved by the employee. An employee shouldn’t ask $40K to pocket any difference.

    In the end, it would be worse to misuse funds than ask for them when they are needed.

    If you want to learn more, you can also see our posts on the Amazon employee assistance program, Amazon employee discount, and Amazon training program.

  • Conclusion
  • Amazon created a program for employees to assist them in relocating and starting a new job.

    Amazon’s Relocation Assistance Program offers several packages for helping employees pay expenses associated with moving.

    .Does Amazon Offer Relocation Assistance In 2022? (Guide)

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