Usps Background Check Policy 2022

Usps Background Check Policy 2022 (Your Full Guide)

Few jobs have as many opportunities for growth, security, or the rewards of working with the United States Postal Service. Their hiring process is strict.

Perhaps you’re wondering if mistakes made in the past might come back to haunt your application for employment with USPS.

For a more brief explanation, let me tell you what the USPS background checks policy are. You will find out more about this below.

  • USPS Background Check Policy 2022
  • As of 2022, every possible hire is required to have a detailed background checked by the United States Postal Service. This includes a look into the applicant’s criminal history for the last five years, as well as their driving record, especially for positions that require the operation of a motor vehicle. USPS does not automatically disqualify candidates with a criminal record.

  • Read on for details about USPS’ background checks and the factors that could cause you to lose your job with the Postal Service. You also have the option of being fired if there is a felony in your records.
  • USPS Background Check Policy 2022 (Your Full Guide)

    What sort of background check does USPS conduct?

    The United States Postal Service, a federally independent agency, conducts background checks on a limited number of applicants.

    Two of the most commonly recognized are the criminal background and driver record checks.

  • A criminal background check is performed to determine “…where an individual has been, lived in, worked or studied within the United States of America or any territories.
  • This applies only to the most recent five years. Therefore, an extensive check of the application cannot be done if it was made while the applicant is abroad.

    This could make it impossible for the candidate to be hired.

    You will need to provide the following information in order for background checks to be initiated: Name and address of the past five years; driver’s licence number (for driving positions);

    Additionally, your social security number as well as date of birth will have to be confirmed.

    However, before USPS investigates any of this, we will ask for your permission for the agency perform these checks.

    USPS looks at your employment history to determine if you’ve been fired.

    Honesty is key – the applicant’s application will not be fed to a computer that would disqualify you for being fired.

    Rather, there is a real person reading your application. They (as well as any other hiring staff) can evaluate the circumstances with an open mind. Failing to fire someone is not an instant no.

    Is there anything that can stop you from working for USPS?

    While being fired from a previous job or even being convicted of a felony aren’t disqualifiers from working for the USPS (provided you are honest), a poor driving record might be.

    Applying for a job that will require driving (e.g. rural mail carrier) requires you to have a good driving record.

    Some automatic disqualifiers include:

  • Two years or less of driving experience
  • Driving permit suspended at least once in three years, at least twice in five
  • A driving permit must be revoked no less than once every five year
  • You must be reckless driver at least 3 times per year, and 2x/5 in 5 years.
  • DUI (drugs, alcohol, etc.) at any point
  • All other traffic violations, not less than 3 out of every three years or 5 out of 5.
  • Three to five times in three years or more at fault accidents, or any other accident that results in death
  • Any hit-and–run offense
  • You can still be hired even if you have a bad driving record. It is possible since your driving record won’t influence how you finish your job.

    You won’t be eligible for any USPS positions if you have one of these convictions.

    USPS Background Check Policy 2022 (Your Full Guide)

    Are You able to Work for USPS with a Felony

    When considering convicted felons for employment, the United States Postal Service adopts an extremely balanced and fair approach.

    Per their background check statement:

    Postal Service recognises that many individuals with criminal convictions have successfully rehabilitated and can perform the tasks of postal work. These applicants are entitled to compete for jobs on individual merits.

    As such, even convicted felons should be allowed to apply. You can expect your application to be reviewed with an open and fair mind.

    Yes, it’s important that the victim show signs of rehabilitation from their criminal convictions.

    This might include not having any other criminal activity on your record since the conviction or a positive history of employment after incarceration.

    Accordingly, any misdemeanor convictions need to also be reported. The suitability of the candidate after such an offense will also be assessed.

    Another possibility is that you may be found in the grey zone, which means you could have been charged and not convicted.

    Oder perhaps you are a victim of a juvenile crime that was cleared when you became a adult.

    The USPS doesn’t require that you report in any of these situations.

    What is the USPS Background Check?

    Your past history can be examined by the Postal Service for up to 5 years.

    This timeframe is similar to the willingness of these people to work with felonies-convicted individuals, if I may guess.

    You can prove that you have lived a life of principled living for the past five years. This is a sign you could be an attractive candidate.

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  • Conclusion
  • Each person on the United States Postal Service’s pre-hire roster is subject to background screening.

    However, applicants will not automatically be disqualified for felonies. However they need to show that their past mistakes have been corrected and that they merit a second chance.

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    What is the USPS background check? The Postal Service examines your background up to five year ago.

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    An applicant/potential driving employee with a history of one or more offenses within the last three years, two or more violations over the past five years (for reckless driving, careless or negligent driving), or attempts to evade, or escape, a police officer is disqualified.

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    .Usps Background Check Policy 2022 (Your Full Guide)

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